Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ADF application running on clustered environment - High Availability

In order for an ADF application to support High Availability in clustered environment with server fail over. The below steps must be followed in developing an ADF application.
  • All Manage Beans must implement Serializable.
  • UI component bindings must be declared in a bean with shorter scope (backing bean scope or request scope).
  • If it needs to be declared in Manage Bean with PageFlowScope (Not recommended), please ensure you declare the binding as transient.
  • Any objects that are declared as an attribute in Manage Bean must be Serialized.
The following files must be modified to make an ADF application High Available in clustered environment.


<adf-controller-config xmlns="">



For testing, please add the below parameter in your weblogic domain 

Run each use case in UI application. Verify that you don’t see below highlighted errors in Domain console log.

[2012-02-22T13:29:25.383-06:00] [manageserver1] [ERROR] [] [oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.SessionBasedScopeMap] com.ram.mytest.manage.TestMB

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Programmatically resetting the ADF components - An util class to reset the components.

ResetUtils.reset(javax.faces.component.UIComponent startComponent)

All values submitted will be reset to null or empty, so that editable components will pull their values from the model.